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Blindfolded Improv (Creator, Devisor)
Summer 2019
“An improvised play with Shakespearean elements of love, danger, and mischief. Oh,did they forget to mention that the performers will be in masks and unable to see ortalk? Fun for all ages, watch their performers come alive and take audiencesuggestions in an imaginative and interactive retelling** of Romeo & Juliet."
Co-Deviser: Curt Himmelberger, Bellisant Corcoran, Mieke D, and Lo Abdolmalek
"We are creating a family-friendly theatre production and bringing it to some of our favorite communities, allowing children and adults to watch it for FREE. Our first show will be at the Columbia North Branch YMCA in North Philadelphia, PA on Sept. 14th at 12:30PM. The Y is dedicated to strengthening communities through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. Our second show will be at the Joseph Avenue Arts and Culture Alliance Venue in the northeast quadrant of Rochester, NY on Sept. 21st at 3:00PM. The JAACA is dedicated to transforming the lives of families through the arts in their communities. And hopefully many more communities to come!"
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A larval mask (see the picture) is a mask that is not fully developed, so it does not have eye holes and the actors are unable to see! This art form focuses on having the audience forget that actors are wearing masks, but instead begin to believe that these characters can really see and feel. Our show incorporates improv too, so the audiences’ suggestions affect the scenes. We will also have a talk-back after each show, so the audience can ask questions to our performers and be inspired to pursue the arts and their passions as well. Our troupe is made up of 50% people of color, 50% women, 50% immigrants, and 100% performers who want to make art more accessible.
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